The label of "Good Christian" vs. "Bad Christian" is, of course, meaningless, but when I give people The Gandhi Test and they reply, "Only if he accepts Jesus Christ as his personal savior," then I know I'm talking with someone who has lost all sense of compassion – which is what religion is supposed to be about.
If you are one of these people, then understand – if it turns out that you're right, and the god you believe in is the one true god, and Gandhi is not in heaven, then if I were (by some miracle) given a free pass by your god into his heaven, I would turn it down.  Happily.  Myself, and I think many other people, would joyfully snub this god, turn our backs and spend all of eternity roasting marshmallows with the Mahatma over each other's flaming flesh.
If the god you believe in would send Gandhi to hell, then Satan is more Christian.

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